escrevo desde que me entendo por gente.
sou redatora com quase 10 anos de experiência em construção de narrativas e storytelling para diferentes canais e objetivos, com foco no desenvolvimento de identidades verbais e estratégias de marca.
jornalista e mestranda em comunicação, arte e cultura pela universidade do minho, minha área de pesquisa é sociologia e comunicação, com ênfase na representatividade LGBTQIAPN+.
nos últimos anos, trabalhei em agências de publicidade, design, branding além de instituições culturais e gastronômicas.
autônoma | (2019 – hoje)
co-founder | après – creative studio (2022 – hoje)
redatora pleno | sesc minas (2024)
redatora e estrategista de linguagens | trina branding (2022 – 2024)
head of communication & creative content | besocial agency (2020 – 2022)
redatora freelancer | festival fatura (2019)
redatora | plan b (2018)
redatora, social media e revisora | fala!minas (2015 – 2018)
co-founder | après – creative studio (2022 – hoje)
redatora pleno | sesc minas (2024)
redatora e estrategista de linguagens | trina branding (2022 – 2024)
head of communication & creative content | besocial agency (2020 – 2022)
redatora freelancer | festival fatura (2019)
redatora | plan b (2018)
redatora, social media e revisora | fala!minas (2015 – 2018)
i’ve been writing for as long as i can remember.
i'm a copywriter with nearly 10 years of experience in crafting narratives and storytelling for various channels and different goals, focusing on verbal identity development and brand strategies.
journalist, graduated from FUMEC University and currently a master’s student in Communication, Art, and Culture at the University of Minho, my research focuses on sociology and communication, with an emphasis on LGBTQIAPN+ representation.
for the last few years, I have worked with advertising, design, and branding agencies, as well as with cultural and gastronomic institutions.
freelance writer | (2019 – present)
co-founder | après – creative studio (2022 – present)
copywriter | sesc minas (2024)
copywriter and language strategist | trina branding (2022 – 2024)
head of communication & creative content | besocial agency (2020 – 2022)
freelance writer | festival fatura (2019)
copywriter | plan b (2018)
copywriter, social media manager, and proofreader | fala!minas (2015 – 2018
co-founder | après – creative studio (2022 – present)
copywriter | sesc minas (2024)
copywriter and language strategist | trina branding (2022 – 2024)
head of communication & creative content | besocial agency (2020 – 2022)
freelance writer | festival fatura (2019)
copywriter | plan b (2018)
copywriter, social media manager, and proofreader | fala!minas (2015 – 2018